About Us


Our Club has a range of golfing equipment and services including tuition, club repairs and storage, buggy storage and hire equipment. The Pro Shop co-ordinates the entry process and starts the field for most club competitions. Open seven days a week from 7am, the Pro Shop is always on-hand to help you with any of your Golfing queries or needs.


Playing Standards
General – All play is governed by the Rules of Golf issued by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, St Andrews, the regulations set out in this book and/or displayed on the noticeboard.

Etiquette is basically consideration for your fellow golfers:

  1.   The player who has the honour should be allowed to play before his opponent or fellow competitor tees his ball.
  2. No one should move talk or stand close or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.
  3. In the interest of all, players should play without delay.
  4. No player should play until the players in front are out of range.
  5. Players searching for a ball should signal the players behind them to pass as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not easily be found. They should search for 5 minutes before doing so. They should not continue play until the players following them have passed and are out of range.
  6. When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green.
  7. Sand buckets must be carried at all times.
  8. Divots should be replaced and plug marks on greens carefully repaired.
  9. Before leaving a bunker, a player should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by them.
  10. Dont leave buggies or bags in front of the green.


  1. Players should look at the noticeboard before starting play, for they are deemed to be aware of all notices, local rules, etc. thereon posted. They should also check their Handicap before playing.
  2. Players should be familiar with the rules of golf and the local rules.
  3. The lowest marker or senior marker of each group of players is regarded as Captain of the group and is responsible for the observance of all points of Etiquette and all points referred to below under the heading Slow Play.

Enjoy your game, at the same time be mindful of the fact that those following you wish to do the same. Your Match Committee reserves the right to penalise players for slow play.

PACE OF PLAY (Appendix 1-3)

  1. The maximum time for playing nine holes should be 2 hours and 10 minutes, 18 holes – 4 hours and 20 minutes. Players should however make a conscious effort to see that a better time than this is achieved.
  2. Golf Rule 6-7 specifies the conditions for penalising unduly slow play
  3. Players should never mark cards on the putting green. Determine your fellow competitor’s score when walking to the next tee and then mark the card at the tee. It is suggested that the player with the honour tee off immediately and mark the card after their tee shot to save time.
  4. Players should walk briskly between shots.
  5. Slow players must permit faster players through.
  6. Lost Ball? To save time in searching, try to establish a definite reference point rather than a general area when your ball goes into the rough.
  7. On the tee: Select your club while other players are teeing off.
  8. Do you really need ALL those practice swings before each shot?
  9. Fairways: Walk directly to, or level with your ball if practicable. Select a club and be ready when it is your turn to play.
  10. Greens: Try to assess your own putt for line and length whilst waiting for others to putt, if this doesn’t interfere with the player putting.

Members and visitors shall be correctly attired at all times. Minimum requirements on the course are:

  • Shirt – to be of the attached collar style
  • Slacks or shorts must be of tailored style. If shorts are worn, then long socks or neat sports socks must also be worn.
  • Golf shoes or a tidy alternative must be worn.
  • In the clubhouse, the footwear rules have been relaxed to allow casual dress shoes with or without socks. Thongs and sandals are permitted. Casual dress may be worn in the Clubhouse.

The Committee wishes to express its sincere appreciation to all the businesses and members who have donated trophies for the year. In the case of business houses, we recommend members give their support in return. Trophy winners should personally thank the donor. If possible, please stay for presentation. Particular sponsorship is shown in the program against the relevant date and event.

Under the Rules of Golf, players are barred from practice strokes on the course on the day of play during the round within the defined practice area. These limitations do not apply to match play. Other designated areas for practicing will be decided by the Committee.

Playing shots in the reverse direction is strictly forbidden. When playing a practice round not more than two balls may be used.

The areas adjacent to the 4th and 6th fairways are available for practice. Also a practice chipping net is located in the car park of the club house.